Flaunt your figures

Annual Reports

It’s almost that time of the year again… Annual Report Time!!! Your auditors will soon be busy putting the figures together. Your board members will be writing about the events of the year that just passed. Then there is you, the co-ordinator of the whole project, often feeling like circus act, juggling all the pieces in time for the final curtain call… the AGM!

In WISDOM’S 30 years of experience, we are Annual Report experts!
Here are our TOP 5 tips to help you in your preparations:

  1. Make your annual report compelling instead of boring. Organise it like a magazine or develop a theme. It’s an opportunity to showcase the very best of your organisation.
  2. Ensure the message from your CEO a must-read instead of a “ho-hum.” It is not an “add-on.” Make it an organic part of the report.
  3. Develop a schedule, a timeline that will be your blueprint for a successful delivery date.
  4. Refresh your corporate portraits every year, with a different style of photography from the last.
  5. Your Annual Report is likely the largest document you will have produced during the year, so why not use an environmentally friendly version of distribution this year.
    • An online microsite is a great way to distribute your annual report in a fun interactive way that is completely paperless!
    • Alternatively, share your digital eAnnual Report (interactive PDF or online flip book) to your stakeholders via an email newsletter. It’s 100% digital, with 0% print costs.
    • If you are a traditionalist or have stakeholders that require a printed document, then consider 100% recycled paper for printing and reduce your carbon footprint.

Annual Reports are a mainstay for corporate reporting, with companies investing considerable time and effort into their preparation. Let us help you make your annual report a great success.

End of article.

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