Brand Development

First impressions count, and your Brand may be the first contact anyone has with your company. So it better be good.

A Brand is more than just the face of a company… it’s the way you are seen, the way you communicate and the way you behave. Perceptions of your company can be strengthened or changed via your Brand. WISDOM’s 30 year success in developing Brands is based on an approach that harnesses creativity and strategy. Coupling both intellectual insights and artistic styling allows WISDOM’s team of creatives to develop Brands that are visually engaging and speak directly to the target audience.  

Brand Strategy

The Brand Strategy informs a Brand like DNA. To be able to write your Brand story and conceive your Brand, we must know all about your company, product, services, people, customers, business trajectory and competition. This may include an existing brand audit, strategy workshop, focus groups, customer research, competitor analysis, defining target markets, marketing goals, challenges, positioning, unique selling proposition (USP) and insights. 

Logo Development

WISDOM design meaningful logos. With knowledge from the Brand Strategy, our creative team make intelligent decisions that influence imagery, form, colour, typography, fonts and iconic style. On finalisation of the logo, our clients are supplied with a logo kit including all the logo file types, colour formats, specifications and of course, copyright. See examples here.

Brand Identity

While your logo is the face of your company, the Brand Identity is everything else that informs your target market on who you are… the Brand name, taglines, personality, tone of voice, language, visual style, brand story & promise. A strong Brand should be a collaboration of all your positive aspects translated into meaningful benefits, communicated to your audience.

Graphic Design

Our creative team are experts in the field of graphic design. They have a flare for design, graphic art, typography and illustration. With the technical understanding of their tools, our team will take your project from layout to pre-press or digital output. For print, press advertising, signage, digital, or any other marketing collateral, our team will ensure your design project packs a marketing punch. You can also pre-purchase WISDOM Block Hours to make it streamlined.

Find out more about WISDOM block hours.

Digital Design & Interactive Graphics

We live in a digital world and designing graphics for the screen is essential, with interactive states and animated moments to capture the attention of your audience. WISDOM’s team of designers are experts in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design for websites, email marketing, digital display advertising, social media, augmented reality, filters, gifs and html 5.

Photography & Videography

From lifestyle footage of people and places, and interview style corporate video, product photography, to shooting a full image library for day to day content use, WISDOM can photograph eye catching imagery for your marketing. Whether you are after high end film or digital content quality, we take your pictures from lens to post production, ensuring your images are on brand for your marketing. See examples here.

Video & Animation

A picture tells a thousand words, but moving pictures tell a million. Never before has video content been more important in your marketing arsenal. From television commercials (TVC), to digital advertising pre-roll and programmatic ads, and of course social media video content and Youtube, video is a must in your marketing plan. Corporate videos, infomercials, animations, infographics, and interviews, our creative team can shoot, edit, animate and produce all your video content.

Audio Production

All of the senses can be tapped into for your marketing, and after the visual is of course auditory. Whether you need a radio commercial, professional voice over, on hold message or an audio soundbite, WISDOM can write your script, source a professional voice over, produce the sound track (music and sound effects) and develop your audio project. We have the creative ability and technical know how for all your audio needs.


Language and tone of voice are a significant part of your brand. WISDOM can assist with your copywriting needs ensuring that your brand personality shines through the words and connects with your demographics. This includes writing articles, brochures, corporate profile documents, tourism visitor guides, press advertisements and digital content including blogging and social media posting, to scripts for television commercials (TVCs), radio and corporate video.